Welcome to HLS English class - the best place to learn English in Kuantan, Malaysia. English class for children and adults conducted in a fun and creative way. Learn English with Horne Learning Services. English speaking and conversation, reading, writing and listening training based in Kuantan. This is what we do . . .

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

HLS Newsletter, March 2025


During the week of 10th - 15th February, 2025, HLS English Classes Kuantan held classes on the theme of Chinese New Year. Students dressed in their CNY clothes or associated colours and engaged in some fun activities including snakes, fireworks and 'ang pao.'

The Friday night English class during CNY week


Also in February, we watched three of the videos I compiled from my trip to England last December/January. The children enjoyed watching the videos and then answering some questions I prepared based on topics discussed in the videos. Below are the videos:


In March, we have continued our speaking focus by having students regularly engage in speaking English, whether in conversations with the teacher or each other, in presenting their written work, or in a Show & Tell class (upcoming next week).

This week students will be reading a short story provided by the teacher and answering several questions to test their understanding of the text, and their ability to think creatively and write good English.

We wish our Muslim students and friends a very happy and uplifting fasting month, and also look forward to April at HLS, with continued speaking opportunities for our students.

Take care,

Mr. Duncan

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