Welcome to HLS English class - the best place to learn English in Kuantan, Malaysia. English class for children and adults conducted in a fun and creative way. Learn English with Horne Learning Services. English speaking and conversation, reading, writing and listening training based in Kuantan. This is what we do . . .

English Projects

Twice a year Horne Learning Services holds 2-week projects in class where students can spend between 3 and 4 hours working on a specific theme and expressing their creativity in unique ways. Awards are given to those who submit the most unique and creative projects.

Here is a list of the projects that have been held at Horne Learning Services with a link to read more about each one:

1. The Night Project (August 2014)

Jia Yi collected the winner's award for The Night Project in August 2014 at Horne Learning Services

2. The Christmas Project (December 2014)

Students snowflakes entries on the wall at Horne Learning Services as part of The Christmas Project in December 2014

3. The Circles In Everyday Life Project (March 2015)

Trophies ready to be presented for the Circles In Everyday Life project at Horne Learning Services in March 2015

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