Welcome to HLS English class - the best place to learn English in Kuantan, Malaysia. English class for children and adults conducted in a fun and creative way. Learn English with Horne Learning Services. English speaking and conversation, reading, writing and listening training based in Kuantan. This is what we do . . .

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Mr. Duncan's Birthday

October at Horne Learning Services saw Mr. Duncan turn 31. We were fortunate enough to celebrate with some students both in class, and elsewhere.

Our student, Sharmayne, and her mother joined us at The Zenith Hotel to celebrate Mr. Duncan's birthday

Cutting the cake as the three princesses look on!

Mr. Duncan's adult students also provided birthday cake and other refreshments during their class:

Wishing all of our students with October birthdays a very happy birthday and best wishes for the year ahead!


Small Kucing said...

Happy belated birthday to Duncan :)

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Thank you Small Kucing, it was a great day!

Fidelia Sawai Horne said...

Thanks Kelly and Grace for the birthday cakes!

Happy Birthday Teacher Duncan! Wish you many more years of Birthday celebration!

Anonymous said...

Sounds you must have enjoyed your birthday very well.

Bleated Birthday Wishes.
Beautiful photos.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Thanks Fie, there should be plenty more!

Weekend-Windup, it was the best birthday I've had in quite some years :)