Welcome to HLS English class - the best place to learn English in Kuantan, Malaysia. English class for children and adults conducted in a fun and creative way. Learn English with Horne Learning Services. English speaking and conversation, reading, writing and listening training based in Kuantan. This is what we do . . .

Friday, 25 January 2013

Alien invasion!

Are there aliens out there? Would they ever discover earth? What would they look like?

This week we are asking our students the following questions: "What would aliens do if they came to earth? How would we communicate with them?"

The children have the opportunity to think creatively on a topic where there is no 'right' or 'wrong' answer. They are only limited by their imagination and creativity of thought.

After some preparation time, our students then have the task of standing at the front of the class and sharing their ideas, thoughts and opinions about a possible alien invasion.

We have had a variety of different ideas mentioned; some said aliens will destroy us and the earth, others think that aliens would help us repair things that have been destroyed and be a tourist attraction to certain places!

Perhaps there are no aliens at all out there. I suggested to my classes that maybe there are other 'earths' with other humans like us, somewhere out there.

I hope I've got you thinking!

Remember: Think in English, Speak in English


Rosalind Adam said...

I wonder if there is plenty of intelligent life out there... I mean more intelligent than us so they know we're here but leave us in respectful peace.

(Wish I could think in a language other than English. That would be brilliant.)

Anonymous said...

✿ ❊ ✿ ❊ ✿ ❊ ✿
Merci pour cette publication intéressante Cher Duncan !!!
je pense qu'il existe d'autres formes de vies que la notre dans l'univers ... je crois que les extra-terrestres existent quelque part mais je ne sais pas où ... ?
C'est pratiquement IMPOSSIBLE que nous soyons seuls !!!
Merci à toi.
et bon mardi !!! :o)
✿ ❊ ✿ ❊ ✿ ❊ ✿

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Hi Ros, I'm sure there is intelligent life out there. Perhaps we're just not meant to find it?!

Here is the translation of Nancy's comments:
"Thank you for this interesting publication Dear Duncan!
I think there are other forms of life than ours in the universe ... I think aliens exist somewhere but I do not know where ... ?
It is almost IMPOSSIBLE that we are alone!
Thank you."

I agree Nancy, though I do think it's more likely they would be human like us, in some other galaxy. It's hard for me to imagine that our tiny planet would be the only one inhabited by humans in the vast expanse of space :)

Thanks for your thoughts Ros and Nancy!

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